Senin, 10 Februari 2020

Live One Day At A Time

After months, finally, I got another Saturday off. 

We normally have Fridays only.

I've accomplished a lot during these two days however there are things that have to be attended to still. 

We have to start cleaning up as we will be moving houses by the end of next month and also, we haven't found any place yet. 

I am pretty sure that we can find one that is nearer to our work place. 

Will be going for leave early May as well. 

With all of these busy things going on, it is important that we still appreciate life, each day, as it is. 

I am trying to pause for awhile and have a break at work. 

Staring at the PC for hours is very draining. 

To be honest, I may not be the most positive/optimistic person though am trying my best to be one. 

With all of the things going on: dropping oil prices, cost of living going up, the situation in Syria, Hubby and I are thinking of settling down somewhere for good. 

However, until such time that we find another opportunity, we'll have to stick it up here. 

Appreciate the jobs and the financial capability that goes with it, the life that we currently have. 

Imagine, I used to have USD 500 as my monthly salary when I came here in Doha. 

That time, everything else was still cheap. We don't have to worry about the rent, electricity bills and all since we have a company provided accommodation. Transportation was also provided.

Well, we've come along way and we are grateful for the opportunities that we are having at the moment. 

Like how the old saying goes, Your life can change in an instant so I'll stop worrying and overthinking about things. 

Great things are on their way, Inshallah! 

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Nyx's Eyebrow Gel

I've ran over this new product from NYX on their website.  Will definitely have this checked out.  Am hoping that they do have...